1) Smile- Being interviewed on camera is not a typical daily activity. Smile to ease the stress of it all. Smiling eases the tension in the face, it helps those watching relax, and it is a great way to invite the audience in and let them know you are a really nice person.

2) Appearance is everything- It is one thing to be interviewed in your uniform, and quite another to be interviewed away from the field.
Be prepared. Wear clothing well suited for your body, and properly fitted. This makes you look professional, and well groomed. You have one chance to make a first impression. Make sure your appearance is not the thing that turns people off or displays the wrong perception of who you truly are.
3) Be You! – Sometimes we get in front of the camera and switch up who we really are. Just relax and be you. Keep your answers short and simple, and always remember to smile.

4) Sound confident – Speak up and pronounce your words clearly when responding. Never mumble especially on television.
Mimicking the tone, expressions, and excitement of the host or interviewer, is a great way to project confidence during on camera interviews.
Before You Go Pro is more than just a blog. We are also a Student-Athlete Development and Recruiting Company, and we work with Football Programs and Families across the Country. There’s no need to do Recruiting alone. Click picture below to see the services we offer!