Balance Mindset

1.) Balanced Mindset – Find a healthy middle ground of encouraging your child’s ego, while reminding them of the work ahead. The best athletes have supreme confidence, but never allow themselves to get comfortable. Help your son mentally find that place.


2.) Financial Empowerment- Before you child goes to college, make sure they have their own bank account and they have a basic understanding of how to manage it. Some parents go as far as, giving their child an allowance through their bank account for their  food, toiletries and entertainment purchases, months before they go off-to-college, for practice.

A solid understanding of how credit and credit cards work, is always a plus as well. Realize. Once your child goes to college, they will be easy prey for credit card companies. Prepare them now!

3.) Communication Expectations- These should be realistic by the way. Student-Athletes are tremendously busy in college. Many times, athletes parents feel left out of their child’s life once they go off-to-college. Set realistic communication expectations from the beginning, so there are no rifts early in the college journey between athlete and parent.

Social Maturity

4.) Social Maturity- Athletes can quickly sabotage everything by making the wrong moves at the wrong time, online and off-line. As parents, we have to make sure our child is exhibiting the proper “Social Maturity,” needed to survive and thrive, in college.

Have discussions with your child and closely evaluate their lifestyle choices before leaving for college. If you see negative judgement or mis-managed ego, confront it right away. Better to have a tough conversation before college, then ignore it and pay for it later, with a possible loss of scholarship!

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